Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Aahhh...nice and stuffed! Came back from some buffet joint, kind of sloppy food and most of it resembled boy scout camp food. The directions that were used to make the buffet food might have sounded something like this.
"Open package.
Pour contents into bowl.
Add water.

Barf..... But at least I was able to see some old co-workers for at least one last time, and freeze my ass off in the banquet room we were sitting in. Also, the blueberry muffins offered at the buffet were awesome! Bet you dont find yourself saying that any day soon! What a night to remember!!
Went to the interview today, it went pretty smoothly. Most of the questions they asked I already knew the answers it was a little like cheating. Oh well. Later today they called me back, and I got the job! Pay! Stability! INCOME!!! The American Dream. Now I'm waiting to go out to eat with some old co-workers from my past job. Boring...but I stumbled upon this come-together accidentally today. At least I'll get a free meal maybe.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Waiting to go to sleep, but in the back of my mind I know that I should sleep now. Job interview tomorrow morning at 10 am, but I'm ready for it. Feet are cold, but heart burns with an unquenchable (is that a word?) passion to do what I am doing now. Funny thing tho, I only just heard about blogs for the first time two weeks ago. Where have I been??
Oh well, lets see how this goes. a ha!!