Sunday, February 17, 2008

The puns just keep on coming!

Well, it can work both ways. Two peas in a pod, but in this case 2 P's (as in Apple) and a Pod (iPod). They both fit together and complement each other in their simplicity and ease of use. My Apple computer (a 20" 2.4ghz iMac) and my 80gig iPod Classic. I'm not sure what I would do without these two beauties. As addicted as I am to podcasts and music, finally getting an iPod was inevitable. Since the day I got my iPod (about a month ago) it has been on in use each day, playin my favorite podcasts and music to me, and even though I could be using my comptuer to play my music and podcasts for me, it just feels awesome to have an iPod. The ability to be mobile and have all of my favorite podcasts and music with me right in my pocket! It's allowed me to break away from my computer!

But that isn't entirely too true. My iMac I got just this week. After years and years of using Windows, of getting funky errors and worrying about upgrading my pc and fretting over internet viruses and whatnot, I decided to make the switch to Mac. Actually I have used Apple computers before, but it's been a looooooong time since when I last did. My mother brought home an Apple ][c for our family to use (this was around 1990 or so.. waaaaay past the computer's prime!) and we did use it. I used it for typing reports in middleschool, using the dot matrix printer and clunky (at the time) word processor that only Cindy knew how to use properly. But when I got into highschool the computer lab had the classic 1984 Macintosh computers, so I used those until my junior year, up until when the school upgraded to Powermacs. But by the time I finished highschool I wasn't a big fan of Apple. If anything their comptuers repulsed me, hard to explain why. But I was more accustomed to pc's and Windows 95 by that time.

When I went to college the pc was my love and I used it each day. The Monorail pc that my cousin gave me (still have it in my closet, the pc was like the iMac where the entire pc was built into the monitor and all you had to do was plug in a keyboard and mouse and away you go!), and then later Sywan sold me his 133mhz Windows 98 pc for $200 (which I of course still have in my closet). But when I finished college and came back home I was still all about pc's, and never thought of trying a Mac again.

Fast forward to 2008. The pc I've had for the past several years was beginning to show it's age. Actually my pc served me pretty well, and I upgraded the video card and ram, but I was becoming tired of constantly throwing money toward my pc to keep it up to par. Well, not only that but I was tired of always having to open up my pc and clean it and oil the fans (because DAMN my pc fans were LOUD!! It was like a 747 was idling in my bedroom!) and blow all the dust out of it. Well, I could've cleaned it more often heh, but what can I say? I'm just lazy like that sometimes.

Then last month I felt like finally giving Apple another try but only wanted to dip my toes in the pool before I jumped in. That's where my purchase of my iPod Classic came in. It's the first iPod I've ever owned, and just the quality of the product, the ease of use, and just how damn fun it is to use, it convinced me I should give a look at Apple computers again!

So.. after plotting and planning and invesitgating and reading and watching reviews of the new iMac computer, I made up my mind and ventured out to the local Apple store and plopped down some greenbacks and bought the iMac. Boy I really felt like a fish out of water! After using Windows for nearly my entire computer using life, making the switch to the Mac OS was pretty severe in my case. But thankfully Apple makes the transition pretty painless and easy to understand. Which this is probably one of Apple's biggest selling points! So nearly a week has passed since I got my iMac, and I'm learning each day more and more about the OS Leopard and how it works, and coming to appreciate this new machine, and even love it! Well, only in a platonic sense.

I may have missed the Apple boat years ago, but I finally hopped on board and have seen the light! Adios Windows, hello Mac.


This was just something random. First it started as two colors that met in the middle, and I just added more layers of colors and then continuously blended all the colors, layer by layer.

What came of this was a warm glow. Maybe its the warm spot we all have in ourselves? Don't know why but I'm drawn to this image (no pun intended).

Where was I going with it? I don't know. But it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. What do you think?
